HTSS95 – Learn the power of persuasion from Politicians – Scott Sylvan Bell

Learn the power of persuasion from Politicians
Politics is a sales game and if you pay attention you can learn about some ways to get people to make a decision.  It doesn’t matter if you like the politician or things they stand for you can find something…

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Learn the power of persuasion from Politicians
Politics is a sales game and if you pay attention you can learn about some ways to get people to make a decision.  It doesn’t matter if you like the politician or things they stand for you can find something…

Learn the power of persuasion from Politicians

Politics is a sales game and if you pay attention you can learn about some ways to get people to make a decision.  It doesn’t matter if you like the politician or things they stand for you can find something that they do to learn a lesson. You may be better off finding someone you don’t agree with. You can learn something from whatever team is talking, even if you don’t like them. When you are invested in an idea you tend to defend it more.  

Watch what you say

Smart politicians use simple ideas, phrases and mnunic devices. These simple ideas are easy to explain and even easier to have spread by word of mouth.

Most people read at the 6th grade level and smart politicians speak sub 9th grade. This means small words that are 3-4 syllables and short sentences.  

Rhythmic words and sentences can come across as hypnotic when combined with specific enunciation of words or phrases.

The power of political body language

Politicians tend to use small gestures to signify small ideas. The nonverbal move and be also used to minimize the ideas of the competition. Conversely big gestures can represent big ideas and power.  This is why is it important to pay attention to how your body language is being used.  

Being right of center with pictures can signify power for the person who has the best advantage with their hand.  

The power of Name recognition

When you name the idea you own the idea. If a scary emotionally charged name can be used that is attention getting the better the naming works. You name the product for yourself to give an advantage. Self promotion is important for the long term.   

You are always on the record

Pay attention to what you say and who you say it to, written as well. Politicians make the mistake of talking after building too much rapport. You can do the same in a sales presentation.  

You learn that all microphones are hot all of the time. You should check your phone to see that you are sending the right person a message and that you have hung up after a call is done.  

The power of the press

You can use the power of the press to take the story to the masses. You do need to pre format your ideas and press releases. You can pitch the ideas to a producer and give them the notes and the questions needed.  

When you can get people to imbed with you and tell your story you have true power.  You have the power to make everyone else go on the defensive.  This means you use the power of surprise and attack – drop a bombshell.

Flank yourself with your generals

If you have an important message you bring your team with you. This signifies unity and that everyone is on the team. You let them answer the questions, tell stories and take the heat.

The power of the first story

You have to be the first to tell the story. When people hear your story first there is strong evidence even if wrong it is believed.  This means you do more work than others and have your messages ready to be announced.

The power of the reframe

A reframe is where you take the conversation and move it to another idea. The most common reframe is “Its not this its that”. Another version of a reframe is the use of statistics and studies give the appearance of knowledge. People can be swayed by statistics and studies.  

You can have talking points ready and tie them into “Go to phrases”. These ideas are meant to help build momentum through.  You should know what brings you comfort and allows you to  use a routine.  

With all of this information you can look to see how you can reframe or minimize the other person.  

How to talk about the adversary

Trash talking ranges from aggressive to an elegant exchange of words. How you talk about the competition matters. Politicians like to use the phrase “My friends on the other side of the isle”. Watch what you say about the “competition” as it can be used against you from polarization.  

Get your base riled up

When you use emotionally charged words it does attract attention.  Politicians sell on fear of loss and not really the idea of gain. You can look to what are they taking away and who is the real enemy that is created.

When you can get people to meet up at the given time you can create an “army”. With the army you give specific instructions to be ready to shout louder than others.  In business you have your raving fans go to bat for you with testimonials.

There is so much you can learn from politicians to persuade others when you pay attention.

Scott Sylvan Bell


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This episode was recorded in Sacramento California

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