HTSS91 – Mental toughness in sales and life – Scott Sylvan Bell

How to build mental toughness in sales and business
Its not a matter of if but a matter of when problems will happen. You do need mental toughness in sales and in life. How you prepare for your future challenges really do matter.
The bigger the goals the…

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How to build mental toughness in sales and business
Its not a matter of if but a matter of when problems will happen. You do need mental toughness in sales and in life. How you prepare for your future challenges really do matter.
The bigger the goals the…

How to build mental toughness in sales and business

Its not a matter of if but a matter of when problems will happen. You do need mental toughness in sales and in life. How you prepare for your future challenges really do matter.

The bigger the goals the bigger the challenges and learning curve.  Know you will live though all of the emotions in a day when things go right as well as when things go wrong.

Adversity cant be hidden from

People avoid adversity in life, they try to stick in a few emotions they avoid “Embrace the suck”.  The problems we have are necessary for growth, the more you tamper down your problems the less possibility of growth.  Most people don’t run towards pain the run from it. Salespeople and Entrepreneurs by default run towards problems while everyone else hides.

Most people use the fog of emotions as an excuse, they look for the story they can tell so they don’t have to deal. Most people get caught up in the story where they could have but didn’t.  

How to deal with adversity in life

  • Know it will happen – There is nowhere that you will not struggle. Every part of your life and jobs has places where things get tough.
  • Adversity never happen when convenient and it tends to multiply when there are problems
  • You will get piled on when you struggle from those around you
  • You will get haters and you will get criticized and made fun of
  • Your confidence will bring in the people who want to tear you down
  • The ability to be emotionally neutral when problems happen does help. You can take a look from the outside to help with this
  • Ask what is the outcome you want and what will it take to get there
  • Think “This isn’t the worst thing that could happen” or “This isn’t the weirdest thing that has happened to me”

Paths to mental toughness in sales and business

When you focus on the strategies needed by take thinking and planning time you can be prepared for what is to come. Most people panic when they are stuck with tough times because the have not considered what can happen.

There are ways for you to drown out the noise and or pressure from talking to similar people, coaches, mentors and even those who have lived through what is going on for you.  

You must be willing to ask for help and know you have support when you need it. Talking out your problems with others helps significantly.

It is imperative that you are coachable and take criticism correctly. Areas of growth are not always easy to deal with. If you fight the advice or the coaching you can stay stuck longer.   

When you have an understanding of failure and what it is, you can embrace the problems you are facing.  

Thinking through your reason why you are doing what you do. When you combine the idea of being willing to delay things there is a dynamic duo of action.  

There are times where you are over your head. You must know when you are out of your limits or knowledge and be willing to say so.  

Emotions and mental toughness

When you work through self confidence and your fears there are ways for you to grow even more.

There are damaging emotions that you can get caught up in when you don’t want to live through them.


  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Resentment
  • Guilt
  • Uncertainty

It should be a practice to surround yourself with winners. This means you remove bad players and problem people when possible.  

Look for places to avoid, say no or even set limits. When you set boundaries the right way it can help you avoid future issues with people you don’t need.

Dealing with failure   

You can have the marketers mindset “it’s a test” or  “I’m working with a recipe” can allow for you to make necessary changes.  Know that one failure isn’t the failure. You can always look to improvise, adapt and overcome.  

Celebrate with others and see their wins so they can do the same for you. How you treat others when they are on top or on the bottom can help you in the future.  

Things you can do to work with mental toughness

  1. Know its coming to get you – prepare for it
  2. Meditation / pray
  3. Exercise
  4. Laugh until you cry
  5. Get therapy
  6. Sleep
  7. Eat well
  8. Look for the silver lining
  9. Say out loud what is bothering you
  10. Pay attention to your inputs – what you read, watch and listen to
  11. Every day is another day to work on your skills

Building mental toughness is a long term event built on short term actions for growth. Each action you take is meant to build upon the next.

Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #closer #success #mentaltoughness #Podcast #Howtosellshow #Sacramento

This episode was recorded in Sacramento

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