You have to put in the hard work to be a closer
Most people are not naturally talented in any subject. Very few people can pick up an musical instrument and start playing, very few people can throw a baseball the right way the first time, very few people can close deals without learning how to sell.
The amount of effort you put towards honing your ability to close sales matters. You can cut your learning curve so you don’t have to lose deals. You will want to change the way you look at training as well as losing deals.
You can modify your mindset to fit the requirements to get better
- I learn with every __________ I do
- Every roll play I work through I will get better
- Every interaction with others I have I will use to get better
- Every live video I record will allow me to get better
- Every video I record and edit will allow me to get better
- Every podcast I record will allow me to get better
- Every sales presentation I give will allow me to get better
- Every sales training or coaching I do will allow me to get better
You will want to develop your own list of ideas of how you will improve your sales or other skills.
Your competition isn’t that good at selling
Most salespeople put in the bare minimum when it comes to working a deal. The salesperson doesnt want the pain. They would rather be doing nothing or screwing around. Your competition in sales is lazy so it doesn’t take much to be incremental better. You can listen to a few books and work through a few courses and be better than the people you sell against.
It takes time to learn everything there is basic skills and then sales mastery. When you think of martial arts you start with one form. It takes 5-10 years to get a Black Belt depending upon the style Brazilian Ju Jitsu takes 10 years to learn. Tai Kwon Do is a 5 year endeavor.
You have to do the work others are not willing to work through. Most people give up after a week or even sooner. Your results in the beginning will suck every time or you can be tricked by early success. Your ego will get ripped to shreds this is why and where most salespeople give up.
Getting better at anything hurts
Your ability to get to the next step is not always easy. There is the adversity, the ups and the downs. It hurts to have to learn the ropes only to fail. Most people give up because they know if they put in the time, effort, energy and or risk they may not get what they want. You could be doing other things besides learning how to get better. This is why most salespeople and or entrepreneurs ever start trying.
What you will need to do to be a closer or stay a closer
If you make the choice that you really wan to be a closer there are things you can do. These items will not always be easy. There will be things you miss out on. There will be hurt you run into. You can increase your skills as often as possible. You will have to set time aside. You can pay a coach or mentor and it will probably not be cheap. This means you will have to take the lumps when things are not going well.
Scott Sylvan Bell
#Sales #Closer #Success #Podcast #Howtosellshow #Sacramento
This episode was recorded in Sacramento California