HTSS88 – How to beat a sales slump with self diagnosis – Scott Sylvan Bell

Sales slump diagnosis
You need to know you can fall into a sales slump from something that happens to you or something you cause. You do have to be aware of the common causes that create a sales slump. Once you struggle you have an issue where you can g…

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Sales slump diagnosis
You need to know you can fall into a sales slump from something that happens to you or something you cause. You do have to be aware of the common causes that create a sales slump. Once you struggle you have an issue where you can g…

Sales slump diagnosis

You need to know you can fall into a sales slump from something that happens to you or something you cause. You do have to be aware of the common causes that create a sales slump. Once you struggle you have an issue where you can go deeper into a longer struggle.


There are common triggers for a sales slump

When you take the time to see what causes lost deals there are only so many options. When you know how many of these issues you face and what they can cause you can get a head start.

  • Your personal life where you have changes
  • A product line change or deletion
  • A new job selling a new product or service
  • A new manager, executive or ownership
  • A change in the economy – If that is what you pay attention to

Here are some common phrases when you talk to yourself:

What you say to yourself is how you are programing your brain. The common phrase you use will become the internal code. You can literally think yourself into a sales slump. You will want to be careful about what you say and how you say it when talking to yourself. You can create problems as well when talking to others at the water cooler.   

  • I don’t feel confident about my product, service or offer
  • I just want to get some numbers on the board so I can get out of this slump
  • I need to feel like I can do my job
  • Why me, I cant do this
  • I am not good enough and never will be

Dangerous phrases when in sales

You can use different phrases in conjunction with the phrases you tell yourself. It may be out of frustration and or anger when not closing deals. Desperation has its own language in a sales slump.  

  • I cant do this
  • I am going to quite and leave this job
  • I am no good
  • I don’t deserve to be here
  • This will never work
  • I am stuck

Go to actions for people in a sales slump

As salespeople hit a slump there are common mistakes that they make in a presentation they are predictable. Each one of these common problems have their own problems they create in the presentation as well.  

  • No discovery or question asking
  • Too much rapport so you don’t have to get to the close
  • I’m not a salesman rouse
  • Price matching and or discounting
  • Crazy prices through quick discount or price matching declarations
  • People pleasing moves that seem needy
  • Too short of a presentation where elements have been removed
  • Too long of a presentation where rapport is overly used to avoid the end of the presentation
  • Heavy trash talking on products or products to try and build relational rapport

Things you can do outside of sales to beat a slump

There are steps you can take in order to prevent a slump, slow down a slump or reverse a slump. You do have to think through what is going on in your own life as well as the dangers you face that start one.

  • Get enough sleep
  • Exercise often
  • Eat well
  • Drink water for hydration
  • Yoga and or meditation
  • Work on a hobby or something outside of sales
  • Re asses your goals
  • Get a therapist or talk to someone so you can get the poison out of your soul

Things you can do inside sales

When it comes to sales there are things you can use to get out of the slump. Some of these items are fought against. Some of the fight is the fear of the processes not working. Getting out of a sales slump does take time, work and or effort.

  • Practice through roll play is important and usually avoided
  • Record your presentation in video and audio in front of a bunch of people. Under pressure your dominant traits come out. You will want to record your process when you are doing well and when you are struggling.
  • Ride along with others or have someone ride along with you. If you have to pay someone for the help it may slow down the problems.
  • Follow up and see where you lost deals to find the issues besides the investment
  • Get your own coach or mentor. Reach out and get help from a trainer or coach
  • Reach out and get help from a Therapist or a Dr.

Beating a sales slump with self diagnosis 

You can help defeat a sales slump when you know the common mistakes that cause one. When you take the time to map out where you are in your sales process. You can follow the common causes and mistakes so you can avoid, get out of or beat a sales slump.

Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #podcast #Howtosellshow #Sacramento

This episode was recorded in Sacramento California

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