HTSS77 – How to be emotionally neutral in sales to close deals – Scott Sylvan Bell

How to be emotionally neutral in sales to close deals 
When you learn how to sell you will want to pay attention to other sales styles. Some selling strategies may make you comfortable while others may make you nervous. There are infinite ways to close d…

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How to be emotionally neutral in sales to close deals 
When you learn how to sell you will want to pay attention to other sales styles. Some selling strategies may make you comfortable while others may make you nervous. There are infinite ways to close d…

How to be emotionally neutral in sales to close deals 

When you learn how to sell you will want to pay attention to other sales styles. Some selling strategies may make you comfortable while others may make you nervous. There are infinite ways to close deals with buyers. Sometimes you may look at a particular style and think it will not work.

When using the sales strategy of being emotionally neutral you will find it is a different interaction with your buyers. This is more of a laid back process or style.

Emotionally neutral in sales means you show ambivalence towards the sale. To the buyer it seems like you don’t care if you get the deal. This is very relaxed and very chilled out process for your buyer and or clients.

This type of selling is something that you learn over time and isn’t really something to teach a new salesperson to use at first. If you are new to sales pay attention to how closers are emotionally neutral to the sales process.

The fortune is in the follow up  

This type of emotionally neutral sales process is on that can be used to close on follow ups. When you have buyers that are stalling out, getting bids and talking to other people you can find this play help you out.  

If you feel that you are with a buyer they is going to stall in the process you can slow the sale down yourself.

You are the expert and not the other salespeople

It doesn’t matter what other salespeople do, say and or act in fact it works to your favor. You can set a bear trap. This is where you explain what the previous person did or next person will do. You explain the negative reasons why a salesperson acts the way they do. This is a type of neg or a style of negging.  You do have to know product knowledge about what you have to offer and be seen as an expert.

You can use word tracks or catch phrases to help you out:

  • Here is what they are going to do
  • You are in for some heart ache … here is why
  • You want to know the reason they did that?

You cant get caught up in the sales outcome

Most salespeople are caught up in the outcome and that is the close. Salespeople go ABC – Always be closing and it hurts them. When you sell from the standpoint of being emotionally neutral you can want the deal on the inside but show you dont care on the outside.  

Your buyer says “I am getting other bids” your answer is something along the lines of:

  • Ok
  • I don’t care
  • That has nothing to do with me
  • That’s ok, you will call me back after you are stuck with them

Being emotionally neutral can help build rapport

What will happen in your sales presentation you may find as weird or unusual. Your buyer will seem like they are drawn to you instead of being repelled. You get to point out the flaws in their thinking through a normal conversation. You remove any form of neediness from your sales presentation and the sale process becomes easier.

Use emotional actions in the sales process

You use emotional words when you talk about products and services, you use humor in the presentation. You can use emotions all you want except when it comes to the sale.. It may feel weird to do this because of how you have been taught to sell.  If you don’t use your emotions in conversations  you will seem like a robot or a jerk.

You can go over the top with your personality to try and make up for going emotionally neutral. This process does take some time to learn and it isn’t always easy. Be aware this sales style can make it easier for you to close deals when you use it right.  



You can learn how to create a sales follow up process right here: 

Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #closer #success #Podcast #Howtosellshow #Sacramento 

This episode was recorded in Sacramento California