HTSS64 – Why being in sales is tough on relationships – Scott Sylvan Bell

Why sales it tough on relationships
Sales is tough on relationships and can cause you problems in your personal life. When you are in a relationship and your significant other has never been in sales there will be challenges. Most salespeople have a toug…

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Why sales it tough on relationships
Sales is tough on relationships and can cause you problems in your personal life. When you are in a relationship and your significant other has never been in sales there will be challenges. Most salespeople have a toug…

Why sales it tough on relationships

Sales is tough on relationships and can cause you problems in your personal life. When you are in a relationship and your significant other has never been in sales there will be challenges. Most salespeople have a tough time with relationships until they find someone who has gone through what they have. Its not always easy to deal with the pressures of sales and then have to deal with similar pressures at home.

The 3 common areas that salespeople have relationship issues:

  1. The hours worked

When someone is not in sales they don’t understand why you have to work evenings, weekends and holidays. The truth is those are the best time to get to the people who need to buy from you. Sales comes down to being a contest so it is not uncommon for some salespeople to show up early. The early hours can be for bragging rights or getting wirl done when nobody is around. The long hours can be used as a way to stay away from the house if there are problems.

Not spending quality time with your significant other takes a toll not just on your sales life but also on your personal life. There are times where arguments happen with how much time is being spent at the office vs spent at home.

You can alleviate some of these issues by scheduling time off, scheduling vacations, having a date night and even just getting away for the day.  

  1. The emotional toll sales takes on you

Most salespeople will live through more attempts at rejection in a year than most people have in their lifetimes. There are times where a sales slump is happening and you don’t want to talk about it at the office and you don’t want to talk about it at home. This puts stress on the relationships that you have.

Going through tough times in sales is multiplied not just by trying to close deals, keep up with numbers but also the internal pressure.  When you do find success it is tough to stop selling when you are on a streak.  

There are a few ways to deal with the internal emotions sales causes:

  • Get a therapist
  • Find friends outside of sales
  • Eat healthy
  • Workout
  1. The money

Money problems don’t just happen from not making money, some significant others can cause problems when money is being made. You will find that not having money is one stress while the significant other spending all of the money is another stress. Some salespeople are resented for their success and income from their partner that doesn’t understand how easy it can be to make money in sales.

To help with the money problems:

  • Save money
  • Live on a budget
  • Live within your means
  • Learn that people really are not impressed for more then a few seconds with flashy things if at all

These three issues are common for all salespeople no matter the industry. You can break the cycle of relationship problems created from work when you figure out a game plan.


Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #closer #success #podcast #Sacramento #Howtosellshow

This episode was recorded in Sacramento California