Fake goals will crush your sales soul
There is an immature version of goals people have not just in sales but also in life. People want instant gratification but they don’t want to have to do the work. Its easier to make a crazy public declaration about what is going to be performed in the future. Most of the time these announcements will not ever happen not because goals cant be reached but because they are not thought through.
Over excited public declarations:
If you are around new salespeople or even business owners you will see a group of them over estimate their ability to perform at a level that they think possible. At some point a public announcement is made about how they are going to crush it in their world.
At some point you do have to have unrealistic goals but you also have to put in the work and the planning. These unrealistic expectations are met with:
- No coaching
- No mentoring
- No developed skills
It is entirely possible to have large crazy goals and even meet them. Large goals do take structure and content to build them out.
The problem for salespeople and entrepreneurs
When salespeople want to go out and make something happen in the terms of goals and it doesn’t happen then discouragement sets in. Some salespeople get depressed and some even give up prematurely with what they wanted to do. Most large goals can seem unrealistic to someone else. This isn’t saying that large goals should not be searched for or chased after. This is saying put some thought into your plan and then reverse engineer it.
What do you do when the goal isn’t met?
How good is your plan when it comes to working through your goal? What do you have in place in order to hit the markers? If or when you don’t hit that goal are you going to crumble? One of the best ways to help with setting the goal is to break it up into smaller chunks and go for the marker. This way its not too far of a vision to see what could be done. This type of idea doesn’t stop discouragement but it does make it easier to have a win.
- Here are a tfew things you could take a look at:
- What will it take to be better than 50% of the people
- What it it take to be better then they next 25%
- How can the plan get to the next small stage?
- What does it take to be in the next top 5%
You may have to pay for help
The person who coaches you or trains you may need to be involved. You may have to find these people and pay them in order to talk to them. You may have someone who is gracious and allows you to pay what you can or even have you for a lunch or dinner. Whatever the case is you will want to take notes and treat the appointment serious. Some people will charge you a “Pick my brain fee”. If you are going to meet up for a lunch go at the time when the restaurant opens or when it is slow. Look at the menu before you get to the meeting and have your list of questions prepared.
Keep a journal about your journey
Keeping a journal may be one of the easiest things for you to do along your path. You get to make notes about where you are and where you have been. Your journey is noted and you can move forward. Part of the notes you can talk about is your emotions. By you getting anger, frustration, loneliness, hurt and even guilt out of your system it may make it easier to move forward faster.
Scott Sylvan Bell
#sales #closer #success #Goals #Podcast #howtosellshow #Sacramento
This episode was recorded in Sacramento California