Setting boundaries in sales before during and after the deal
There are ways that you can alleviate problems after you close the deal. One of the things you will see is most salespeople do not do this because they just want to get to the close. Salespeople end up struggling with difficult people because they are left chasing buyers after the deal.
Salespeople create problems when they over sell to close a deal. Too much selling and too much hype will lead to problems. Sometimes the marketing can be overly hyphy as well and lead to problems. Most of the time these issues can be limited in the event of problems. After the initial sales presentation was given the buyer may have talked to other people and not have remembered it. Over communicating after the deal is done to confirm issues don’t happen.
Most salespeople get to the close and celebrate too quickly and forget to walk buyers though what to expect or even set the boundaries.
How to set expectations with buyers
As easy as it sound let your buyer know what to expect from the product or service. If there is a limitation or exception let them know. You can leave content behind that is either created by you or by your office. If there is an exceptional feature show them how to use it.
What to do if there is a problem
You will want to let you buyer know what to do if there is a problem. How long will they have to wait in order to get help or what help will look like. Once again this is content to be left behind and you may have to create it. If you don’t explain this process your buyer or client will make up what should happen in their head.
Explain abuse for your services
You do need to explain what abuse is to the team and it will not be accepted. If you have this conversation up front it does help. You may still have problems but you will be able to have an easier conversation if there are issues.
Give them directions on how to reach you
Let your buyer or client know how to reach you and your normal time frame for return calls. If there are times where you don’t answer your phone or emails let them know. If there is a timeframe for getting back to a person let them know. There may even be a help desk that can reach out if you are not around and if this is common you can make sure to explain it.
Demonstrate excellence when you do perform
When there is an issue and you do perform better than standards this should be explained. You can let your buyer or client know when you are under those times and by how much you were faster. You can also explain when you give them preferential treatment.
Run towards problems
If there is a problem run towards it instead of running away form it. You will want to reinforce what you do and explain why you are a good fit. This does help with alleviating some complaints from the buyer about problems. Once the problem is fixed be willing to explain what to expect next or what will happen next.
Talk about abuse of employees and services
If there is a problem with abuse let them know, you will have to be willing to have the tough conversation. Most companies and or salespeople will just take the abuse and not say anything. The longer you wait to deal with a problem buyer the worse it will get.
Fire a client if all else fails
You may have to let a client go because they are not a good fit. If all else fails and you cant work with the person or the company it is better to end something earlier rather than later. You will find that most people will get angry with you if the rejection starts with you first.
Scott Sylvan Bell
#sales #closer #success #expectations #Podcast #Howtosellshow
This episode was recorded in Sacramento California