HTSS54 – How to sell more using big data to close deals – Scott Sylvan Bell

Using big data to sell more and close easier
As a salesperson you can use big data to your advantage. You can learn how to sell more faster and easier by understanding your data points. Your sales data will be different than any other salesperson.
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Using big data to sell more and close easier
As a salesperson you can use big data to your advantage. You can learn how to sell more faster and easier by understanding your data points. Your sales data will be different than any other salesperson.
How to…

Using big data to sell more and close easier

As a salesperson you can use big data to your advantage. You can learn how to sell more faster and easier by understanding your data points. Your sales data will be different than any other salesperson.

How to use your data to sell more

When you take time to keep your own journal with your own content you will win over time. You will want to keep your own journal in case you leave the company so you have access to the data.  

One of the data sets you want to look for your best times and worst times to close sales. You will need this data to get better at what you do. You will want to take the time to reverse engineer why you struggle and why you don’t. These data sets may be obvious or they may be clues.  You can go over the top so to begin with you will want to use 5 – 6 entries.  You are not a rocket  scientist but you can hire one for less than what you think.

Whether you are new to sales or have just started it is ok to look at these data points.    

Most salespeople are lazy and you can beat them

Nobody really looks at their own data unless it is pointed out to them or done for them.  You will want to look for your personal issues first. There are typical issues that salespeople face that contribute to sales sabotage or success in sales:

  • Look for strong emotional issues and why you have them. You can start with holidays and tough life events
  • One data points to look at is fights with significant others
  • Problems in the family, with parents or kids  
  • The types of people you meet with and data on them
  • How much exercise you have gotten
  • How much water you have drank
  • The type of food you have eaten and the time eaten

How to look at data for buyers issues  

Some companies and salespeople have data right under their noses and they don’t bother to look at it. When you take time to think through data points and data sets you find the gold that can land you more deals.

TOC – time on call is one of the items most industries will never even considering taking a look at. Your own time on call will vary but you can look to find what the industry standard is and work around it. This is one of the first places for you to look when you don’t close a deal or when you lose a deal.

Here are some questions to ask:

  • What happens when you are under time (TOC)
  • What happens when you are over time (TOC)
  • What is your discount rate within the times (TOC)
  • What objections are you getting within these time ranges (TOC)

You can use more data points to sell more

These data set points are just the beginning. There are far more points to chart out to help with you making decisions using big data to sell more. You will want to take the time to set the expectations with your buyer. This is one of the elements of sales basics mastery that you do have control over.

  • Best times of the day to sell / worst time of the day to sell
  • Average sale based upon day of the week
  • Best times of the day to follow up
  • The type of product you have sold
  • How much time before you sell you eat
  • How you sell before payday / after payday
  • Your average sale of all calls sold
  • How much your average discount is to close the deal as a %
  • Where you are in the quarter
  • The upsells that you make based upon product
  • The upsells you make based upon time or day
  • Number of follow ups you make in a day / week / month
  • How often you access your crm
  • Your average commission

There is gold in your data

Whether you use some or all of these data points you can close more sales. Your ability to be a closer in sales happens when you use every advantage you can take. When you use this advantage against your competition and they don’t you can take a few extra deals.

Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #closer #success #Podcast #Howtosellshow #Sacramento

This episode was recorded in Sacramento California