How other salespeople steal your deals every day
Other salespeople steals your deals in multiple ways. Some of the lost deals are on you and you must own it. Being in sales is tough, you have to have a thick skin. Being in sales for the long term is not for the weak.
When it comes down to is sales is not fair, it never will be. Its not you against everyone else, its you against you fist and you must understand this concept.
You do have to fight for position in the office and you also have to fight for deals out in the field. Some salespeople don’t want to believe how hard being on top is. Some salespeople don’t want to see that they have to work hard for deals or they will lose them. If you want to learn how to be a closer in sales you must see how your deals are stolen by others and when you let the deals be stolen.
Internal games for sales and how you lose deals
If you have a poor belief about your products and services it will be tough for you to close deals. Your buyer will feel when there are internal struggles with you. This sales sabotage may not be 100% visible but your buyer will feel it and give you objections.
There are times where you have not mastered your skills and you are not prepared to be in sales presentations. Learning how to sell isn’t easy, This takes time, energy and effort to learn the sales process.
There is not place in sales to be lazy. Some salesperson at the top of their game will take your money. If you are lazy and give a weak presentation you will lose deals. When you mail it in or sand bag it count your commissions being lost.
There is a saying and it is sell on price die poor. If you sell on price or you think people buy on price there will be some deals you close but there will be plenty of money you leave on the table. The money left on the table isn’t just the lost deals it is also commissions.
Once a product or service is sold you must be willing to go back and check on the client. There are times where salespeople lose reoccurring deals because they are lazy and will not get back into see a client. There are also lost deals that could be found through referrals and testimonials.
The fortune is in the follow up and if you don’t use some sort of CRM or data base to keep track of potential deals and clients you will lose out.
If you don’t market your services on your own and expect someone else to do all of the work for you there will be problems. Learning how to build a sales funnel is the minimum requirements for doing business at this point.
External ways you lose deals from other salespeople
In the office there are thieves and take your leads and or ups. These salespeople are in every industry and service. This game of losing leads is something that happens and you have to fight for your position. If you say nothing or do nothing you will lose out on sales and position. You will be seen as weak by the sales team.
You will have people on your team and they play mind games and talk trash. These are the type of salespeople that get in your head so you lose deals. The hope is to pull you away from a lead that can be closed so they can be on top or stay on top.
It never fails that managers and salespeople build a team. These teams are used to cause problems and for protection. If the person is on a team they see you as a threat and go after you in overt and covert ways.
Learning how to market is one of the best ways for you to stay relevant in sales. You competition will learn marketing and sales funnels and take leads right out form under you.
Some salespeople are underhanded. They sabotage your deal and or jobs. This means they say or do things for the buyer so you cant close the deal if you are not on top of the games being played. They may find problems with your product and highlight them, they may show your price before you get there and they may even lie about what you have to offer.
In the office there are internal issues. The people in your office complain about what you are doing and or how you work. These games cause problems for you if they are not stopped or if you get caught up in them. Part of these internal office issues come from spreading rumors
You can lose deals in sales and not even know it
There are multiple ways for you to lose deals in sales. You can have internal threats from yourself. You can also have external threats for coworkers or the competing salespeople. Whatever the case you must be prepared for the games that are played.
Scott Sylvan Bell
#sales #closer #success #podcast #howtosellshow #Sacramento
This episode was recorded in Sacramento California
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