Your unofficial guide to commissions in sales
Being in commissions sales is one of the greatest ways to get paid. Some people are scared out of their mind when it comes to not knowing how they will get paid.
Your income can be unlimited and you can make as much money as you want. You have to be willing to put in the work and effort to learn how to sell and to close deals.
Being in sales can be rewarding in multiple ways. You can find:
- Unlimited income
- Crazy goals
- Internal rewards
- Better communication skills
The down side of commissions in sales
When you first start in sales nobody tells you how it is and what you need to know. It is easy to be taken advantage of by companies, sales managers and office staff.
For the most part it is you against you in sales and then its you against the other salespeople and they the office.
When you get paid you have to watch your pay checks to make sure money is not missing. If you have not been paid 100% of your commissions or “lost” money some how you are not in sales yet.
Executives, Managers and Accountants think you make too much money, you are the first person to have pay reduced in an office. There are plenty of people paid by the hour that are jealous about how much you make. You may or may not hear that your income is not fair.
When things get tough at the office when it comes to money or when Managers start looking for places to cut for bonuses it always seems to be the salespeople who are the first people looked at.
The company will not go after $10 an hour job employee but they will go after a salesperson because they make too much money.
What you can do to get paid in sales
Keep track of how much you get paid, when you get paid. If there is a problem deal with it as soon as possible and take documentation. Write clearly when possible, this makes it easier for others to read. Keep copies of the necessary paperwork.
If there is a problem give push back until you get answers. The office will try and handle you and push you off. If need be pull in a manager or HR. If you have questions go to your form of legal questions. (The How To Sell Show is not giving legal advice)
Its your job to game the system since they are gaming you. This means you must legally find the ways for you to get paid the most for what you do. The key word here is legally. Make sure whatever you do is above board and will not get you in legal trouble. (look it has been said 3 times in 3 different ways – don’t be silly)
The ultimate prize
If there are too many problems remember if you are a closer you are the prize. This means there are more sales jobs than there are closers in sales. If it comes down to it find a new job.
Scott Sylvan Bell
#sales #closer #success #podcast #howtosellshow
This episode was recorded in Sacramento California