HTSS36 – The importance of referrals in business – Scott Sylvan Bell

The importance of referrals in business
If you want to generate business through referrals you must understand where most companies and salespeople fail. There is gold in referrals and most people in business ignore them. You have to have a really good c…

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The importance of referrals in business
If you want to generate business through referrals you must understand where most companies and salespeople fail. There is gold in referrals and most people in business ignore them. You have to have a really good c…

The importance of referrals in business

If you want to generate business through referrals you must understand where most companies and salespeople fail. There is gold in referrals and most people in business ignore them. You have to have a really good company or have a great service to get a referral. Your clients  are going to go out on a limb with their name and reputation to give a lead to you.


Why people do not give referrals

When you look at what your competition is doing you will see their referral processes are weak at best. Most companies and salespeople do not see the connection between proper service and the ability to acquire leads through referrals. Most companies are mediocre at best when it comes to delivery, fulfillment or install.  


The wrong way to get referrals on a consistent basis

Most salespeople and companies know only one style and that is to ask for a referral immediately after a purchase. Most people have the timeline wrong they look at the referral process as:

  • Advertisement
  • Advertisement
  • Advertisement
  • Sales presentation
  • Purchase or buy from the client
  • Ask for referral immediately

There is a timeframe to ask for a referral and it isn’t right after they buy.

What to do to get more referrals

You really have to look at how you operate with what you are doing right vs wrong. If you have an undistinguished company you will not get referrals. If you overpromise and underdeliver you are not going to get referrals. If you lie to a client you will not get referrals. Look at your online reviews and fix the internal issues in your company or service that get the most complaints. Be willing to ask what went right or wrong and then be willing to fix what is broken.  


You will need to put in work to get referrals in sales

You have to have multiple techniques that build up to a strategy. Think through how you are going to work the processes and how you can get to your clients better. You have to start early and use programming language and let them know you want referrals. You have to be exceptional from the beginning.


Referrals in business start with your referrals to others

You do have to model what you expect. If you want more interaction from your clients for leads you will need to give some leads yourself. You can go out of your way to write leads for companies and services. Testimonials are a quasi referral as you are using your influence to sell and idea.

One idea you may not have thought of is: Instead of a discount when you buy ask for a referral for a lead.


Scott Sylvan Belll


#sales #referral #success #closer #podcast #howtosellshow


This episode was recorded in Sacramento California