HTSS29 – The importance of emotions in sales – Scott Sylvan Bell

Emotions in sales
Most sales training leaves out the elements of emotions in sales presentations. You will learn the ability to sell on logic. When you deal with buyers where you have to prove facts you will get an argument as a bi product.
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Emotions in sales
Most sales training leaves out the elements of emotions in sales presentations. You will learn the ability to sell on logic. When you deal with buyers where you have to prove facts you will get an argument as a bi product.
People are sc…

Emotions in sales

Most sales training leaves out the elements of emotions in sales presentations. You will learn the ability to sell on logic. When you deal with buyers where you have to prove facts you will get an argument as a bi product.

People are scared to use emotions in daily life because it can be seen as vulnerable.  It can be  uncomfortable to open up to others about what is going on. You will hear the phrase people buy on emotions and justify on logic. Most training has it backwards and starts with the logic first. Your ability to use emotions in sales the right way is your super power.  

There are multiple shows and movies about attorneys. When we see people try to change minds in these mediums we see how logical arguments win the battle. Most persuasion events in shows are logic based, with the undertone of emotions not explained.

Attorneys argue on fact, so when you model wat you see you try to argue with people to prove your point.

Sales training history  

Most sales has not changed since 1940s, what is used now for the most part is pieced together content. When people came home form world war 2 they were used to being told what to do from working for the Government. There were cultural elements at play. Large scale sales efforst were not used since the great depression. For almost 20 years sales skills were not needed to the extent after WWII.  

Why some find emotions in sales tough

Most people cant use emotions in a conversation without feeling like they will be used against them. Emotions have been used against people so they become uncomfortable using them in communications.  

For the most part we are adverse to emotional manipulation it makes people uncomfortable. Sometimes talking about emotions can take us to a bad spot or even a bad relationship.  

Women have a biological advantage in sales:

Most people in sales are men and we are not supposed to not talk about emotions.  Women can beat men in sales because they are used to talking about emotional concepts. Women when they talk to each other are more willing to open up for the most part.

This is not an absolute and for every example there is a counter example.  

Women are better equipped and conditioned to use emotions in a sales process. If you get a chance to watch a women present they are more willing to broach the conversation. This is a skill men could learn from women they do not typically look at.

How to use emotions in sales

If you want to learn how to use emotions in sales, start in your own life. You can start with a few  emotional conversations. This means you will need to be vulnerable with the person you are talking to. Its best to start slow and say “It felt good to have the conversation”.

I feel that you are saying…

May be a good way to start a conversation but you will need to watch your vocal pitch and tone.

In the beginning it feels wrong and you will have the urge to pull back, you will need to fight through it.  

Talk to about this idea to a significant other. This conversation can make you uncomfortable. You will need to be able to explain how it will benefit your relationship as well as help you close deals.  

Places to learn about emotions in sales:

If you want to learn how to use emotions in sales you can watch drama movies. There are elements you will need to look for. You will want to watch for places where tension is used.  

You can grab a note pad and pen and outline or map out the emotions in the movie. Look for the emotional charged conversations.  Chart out how the emotions are used to play the people watching the movies.

Look to the elements of the movie:

  • Music
  • Action sequences
  • Conversation
  • Time between events
  • Tension
  • Plot

Emotional questions you can ask in a sales presentation

The way you work emotions in to sales is you start small. You do not need to go to crazy town with your efforts. Just add one question into your sales presentation. Once you get good with one question add another.

  • Ask how did that make you feel
  • What emotion did that make you feel
  • Do you feel good about this


Yes, other salespeople will be uncomfortable with your use of emotions:

You cant really worry about other salespeople and what they do. For the most part 80% of salespeople out there are not good anyway.  

What you can do is watch really good salespeople. Look to see where they use emotions in sales to their advantage and the types of questions they ask.  You do need to learn the skill and learn how to ask emotional questions. You don’t know what you are looking for unless you work out ways to spot emotions in sales content.

Most salespeople who watch a closer will say “I am already doing this” what they don’t see is how the words and questions are used.

Part of this selling on emotion and justifying with logic is telling stories. Top salespeople use emotions in the sales process ties to emotions.

These events are invisible to you since you have not used them or practiced them.   

The real secret weapon in sales and persuasion

Here is the real way for you to get really good at emotions in sales. Learn how to anchor. You will want to look up Tom Vizzini and Kim McFarland at

You can use anchoring skills on the phone or face to face with people. I use these skills to get free upgrades when I travel. I use this skills to ethically persuade people who “cant be persuaded”. When you know how to use emotions in sales you deals are easier to closer.  

The last warning

When you use emotions in sales you must deliver what you promise. If you use these processes wrong it will feel like manipulation to the person you are working with. If you choose to burn people or treat them poorly you will need to prepare for a wrath like you have never seen.


Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #anchoring #persuasion #howtosellshow #closer #success

This episode was recorded on the North Shore of Oahu Hawai’i at Hale’iwa Ali’i beach park

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