HTSS174 – How to protect your time at work and in sales – Scott Sylvan Bell

How to protect your time at work and in sales 
People will chew through your time. You will want to think of your time like an attorney. This may sound aggressive, look at the time value of your money. This may give you insight when you try to connect wi…

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How to protect your time at work and in sales 
People will chew through your time. You will want to think of your time like an attorney. This may sound aggressive, look at the time value of your money. This may give you insight when you try to connect wi…

How to protect your time at work and in sales 

People will chew through your time. You will want to think of your time like an attorney. This may sound aggressive, look at the time value of your money. This may give you insight when you try to connect with others. These examples will give you some ideas of what you can do. 

Have a morning routine to protect your time in sales 

  • Check emails till at a specific time
  • Return phone calls at a specific time 
  • Use airplane mode on your phone so you dont have to answer it 
  • Have a set time and day for your meetings.
  • Shop when most people are not in the store
  • Run from drama – people will pull you into stupid stories (play stupid games, win stupid prizes)
  • Cut negative people out of my life – look for flags knowing when you look for red flags you will find them.
  • Don’t do conceptual ideas, talking just to talk… plans that will never go anywhere. Constant planning isn’t worth it – this eats time and sucks.
  • Don’t get caught up in social media drama
  • Have set times to create content – I have running docs when I come up with ideas.
  • Make sure all of your docs are cloud backed up in multiple locations 
  • Work your ass off on the plane and don’t like to be interrupted
  • Do work in batches (podcasts, videos, content creation)
  • Have tons of content on your phones and laptop. Always have and extra book if I do need to wait
  • Set appointments when I can for everything, I don’t wait in line. I will pay to be moved to the front of the line.
  • Have things delivered instead of going to the store
  • I don’t answer the front door – ever. The family needs to call me before they come over.

Learn to say “no” – most salespeople are scared to reject just as much as they are scared to be rejected. You have put time, energy, or effort into your skills and knowledge. Don’t jump on the phone for just about anyone. 

Don’t let people pick your brain

  • They are looky lous.
  • They don’t take action

Systematize everything and anything you can

Make videos for repetitive fees

  • My marketing video
  • Make people jump through hoops
  • Use quiz software (think jotform, quizly)
  • Use a VA to answer emails / respond back – do postings and or editing
  • If it doesn’t sound appealing, just say “no”.