HTSS170 – How to program your brain for success in sales – Scott Sylvan Bell

Dangerous things you tell yourself in sales
Our self-talk is our programming. This may sound like a simple statement. When you look at the conversation it is important. Going through and doing the hard work needed to program your brain can be complicate…

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Dangerous things you tell yourself in sales
Our self-talk is our programming. This may sound like a simple statement. When you look at the conversation it is important. Going through and doing the hard work needed to program your brain can be complicate…

Dangerous things you tell yourself in sales

Our self-talk is our programming. This may sound like a simple statement. When you look at the conversation it is important. Going through and doing the hard work needed to program your brain can be complicated 

Salespeople need encouragement

I believe in you, you got this is one of the best things salespeople can hear from others and yourself. Encouragement is needed from your peers and internally. Salespeople can talk themselves into deals and out of deals. “What you think about all day is what you become,” William James said this in the early 1900s. Your self-talk can be a poison and take you from being on top all the way to the bottom quickly. 

Why salespeople lose confidence 

The dangerous self-talk you tell yourself will ruin your confidence quickly. The dangerous self-talk will attract – Losers and or problems and or more issues. At some point, we all struggle with one or more of these, its normal. There is nothing wrong with asking for help and paying for it professionally.


Individual specific personal problems in sales 

  • I don’t deserve this
  • I cant do this
  • I will never be good at this
  • I hate people
  • I am worthless
  • I am no good
  • Who would want me

Job specific internal dialogue 

  • I hate this job
  • I could just go back to __________ (last job) and make X money
  • I was looking for another job when I found this one
  • I will never make it
  • I cant close

Product specific internal dialogue

  • This product sucks
  • There are so many other better products out there
  • I can’t sell this crap

Office specific internal dialogue

  • I hate my manager
  • I hate the people I work with
  • I hate my job

Relationships specific dialogue

  • I don’t deserve this 
  • Who would love me
  • My significant other will find out I am a fraud


The power of Morning routines in sales 

You can use affirmations in the present tense as a way to increase your mental agility. What you tell yourself matters in sales and in business. You can reprogram your brain to be better and to close more sales. Meditation affirmations law of attraction would also go into this same catagory. 

  • I am great
  • I am loved
  • I help others
  • I have performed



I deserve this