Learn how to sell more by looking at Heros and Villains
If you want to be a top performer in sales you will want to look for ways to describe what you are doing but differently. When you can think through problems a little diffrenlty and then explain them to others it creates conflict and interest.
There are 2 movies that can help with the idea of a hero vs a villain. Both of these movies can shed some light on how to increase the conversation of a hero vs a villain.
- Mission impossible 2
- Unbreakable
Explain a better advantage and or benefit in sales
You have to be able to explain what you have or how your advantage matters. The problem is when done wrong this is boring. You can’t just be the good guy. You need to add conflict to the conversation. You need to know what a villain is (every industry has multiple villains)
- Law
- Competitor
- Product flaw
- Salespeople
- Rule changes
Your buyer has villains and they need heroes
What is it the buyer doesn’t like and what is it that they really hate? This is always a good place to start with looking to explain heroes and villains in sales. Just for a quick list or reference point here are the most common villains you will face in sales.
- Pushy salesperson
- Terms
- Availability
How to spot villains and heroes in real-life examples
Look for outside reference points to learn how to produce villains. You can start with character diamonds as a way to think through the plot of salespeople and villains.
- Politics
- The news
Your competition should be the villain
What does your competition do, this is a great place to build out a villain.
- Bear traps – episode 152 of the how to sell show.
You cant use the same villain as someone else as effective as building a new villain
- You need intrigue and surprise
- You have to be able to explain their problem better
- You are what fixes the problem as an expert / then the product or service
Actions you can take to create Heroes and Villains
Sit down today and think of how you are the hero and who or what is the villain. Map these ideas out and tier them:
- What you market says vs what you do
- How others can pin you as the villain and how you can counter it