How to prepare the be recruited:
If you are in sales long enough you will be approached… especially when you are good.
Know this is a sales process
You will be told everything “good” and “perfect”
Be careful of too much upside. If the upside is sold more than the commission there may be a problem.
People who sell hope may just be selling a dream and trying to recruit you.
I wish I would have seen this pattern earlier in my life. Be willing to say “no” – too much upside is a sale and could be a danger sign and really could be desperation to get you in or a cover up for the problems
If its too good to be true there would be people lining up to sell
All jobs and employers have a problem – all companies have problems
Know what you want now (make a list)
What would you ask for?
What’s important to you
Reverse engineer every problem you could face in the industry and make a list. You want pain points in the day.
You are just as much in an interview as they are – ask really good questions. All types, Yes and no as well as situational
Be willing to say no – not all salespeople are good with getting or giving rejection. If it’s a no tell them and get on with your life