As a salesperson, there are people you will sell to that have the possibility of creating problems. These buyers trip up most salespeople in a variety of industries. These people can wreak havoc on your sales process and lead to frustration. If you are new to sales and or are in a sales slump you will want to know that these different buyers are normal to come across.
How you deal with these buyers can vary depending upon your sales knowledge. Taking the time to think through the list of buyers that challenge you is a powerful way to close deals and make your process easier.
Here are the 10 dangerous buyers if you don’t know what games they are up to:
- The mysterious big deal buyer – There is always someone who tries to entice you to extra discounts and or concessions based upon more magic deals in the future. To deal with this buyer you have to let them know the next deals are the ones they will get special treatment on.
- The overly excited buyer – When you meet with buyers who are too excited, the deal isn’t ready to close. This is their nervous energy and most of the time leads to a quick presentation and no deal.
- The desperate buyer – You may think a desperate buyer is someone who is willing to make a quick purchase. Desperate buyers will eat up your time and then complain you took advantage of them if you are not careful.
- Mr. and Mrs. frugal 1 – The first frugal buyer is all about the lowest price possible. These buyers dont care at all about quality, service, warranties, and or guarantees. This buyer will grind on you just to get to a price. The danger is if you give up all of your value upfront and discount too much.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frugal 2 – This frugal buyer will play games after the deal is done. You have to know that there are people who will nickel and dime you after the deal is done.
- Rapport too quick buyer – Rapport can be good and bad in sales presentations. Building too much rapport with you can be a strategy of the buyers you meet with. Too quick of rapport will take you off your presentation.
- I don’t want to waste your time buyer – When you hear the “I don’t want to waste your time line” most of the time it is too late. You will need to figure out how to slow down the conversation or walk away from the deal.
- The secret shopper buyer – Secret shoppers who never plan on buying from you are a complete waste of time. Most of the time these buyers reveal too much and you can figure out that the appointment isn’t real.
- I know the Big Man Buyer – In life, it is all about who you know. With that being said the right discretion is important. This quick quip is meant to tell you who you are dealing with and intimidate you.
- The Tech Spec Dude – Tech spec people will eat up your time with questions and even argue with you about design. Some of the tech spec people also tell you why they are right and why you are wrong. At the end of the day you will need to figure out if there is a deal to be had and if there is, is it worth the sale.
As you learn how to sell or as you sell you will want to know and understand what your kryptonite buyer is. This is the person or the people you struggle with. These 10 types of buyers may not be the one you struggle with the most. Map out the weird and or tough buyers you face so you know how to sell more.