HTSS136 – The abuses you face in sales – Scott Sylvan Bell

In sales, there are abuses you face over time. These issues don’t happen daily for the most part. You will probably not see every single one of these items in a week or a month. You will see these abuses over time. 
The types of abuse you face in sales

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In sales, there are abuses you face over time. These issues don’t happen daily for the most part. You will probably not see every single one of these items in a week or a month. You will see these abuses over time. 
The types of abuse you face in sales

In sales, there are abuses you face over time. These issues don’t happen daily for the most part. You will probably not see every single one of these items in a week or a month. You will see these abuses over time. 

The types of abuse you face in sales

Nothing about sales is easy, it does take some getting used to. There is no perfect job or role where you do not face some sort of disrespect. What you will want to take away is the ability to notice when you are in an abusive relationship. 

The general public – People tend to hate salespeople until they need things, some of this has to do with sales training, some of this is the personality of salespeople. Overall there is a lack of trust with salespeople. 

Your buyers – Some buyers are rude, obnoxious, and even treat you poorly. There are times where buyers will tell you about previous issues they have had so they can beat you down. Some of the people you meet with should never be your buyer. 

Other salespeople – At the end of the day, some of the people who treat you the worst are other salespeople. the grind, the lies, and haze the rookie.  There are salespeople on your team that want to see you fail so they convince you that you should. 

Sales trainers – Some sales trainers are good, some suck and some are just con artists. There are sales trainers out there who are abusive and flat out 

Out of scope work – Out of being a good employee and or salesperson, you may take on tasks to help out. There is good in doing some help for the team but you have to recognize the point where you are being abused. There is a point where the owner or the company should be paying you for professional services. 

The internal office – Your business owners, managers, office staff, and other internal people can do what they can to hurt you. Some companies will play the game where your commissions are whacked. You will get to a point at a company where the losses from other people’s bad mistakes will come back to haunt you. In some instances, commissions will be paid late. You do have to expect that your commission plan will be reduced because you make enough money in the eyes of the office. 

MFG reps – Believe it or not, your manufacturer reps can treat you badly. This doesn’t make sense but there are horrible sales reps out there. 

If you are good at sales there will always be new hiring opportunities. Someone will love you somewhere else.