People who are closing sales more often than other salespeople have a surprising secret…
They help buyers. They figure out what the buyer needs and then they give it to them, before closing sales.
The reason is simple: “Unless you take care of the buyer first, they may not buy from you.”
The best closers know this, and so do thousands of non-closers.
Sometimes salespeople will say this is a silly idea.
Your buyer feels your intentions and can tell if you are just there to make the deal.
For some industries, this may not apply, maybe in some business to business settings and possibly with some types of buyers this example may not apply.
If you really want to see what kind of success you can have in sales look to what you can do to help your client get the outcome they need. This is a form of preeminence. Its possibles that some sales trainers, business owners and other salespeople will disagree with this concept.
You can do better at sales when you deliver real service and help people with what they need.