HTSS119 – Your network is your net worth – Scott Sylvan Bell

There is a statement you may have heard before. It goes something like this… “Your network is your net worth”. I always heard this statement but didn’t quite understand it. I really thought of it as a silly mantra. 
The power of masterminds is more tha…

Start listening

There is a statement you may have heard before. It goes something like this… “Your network is your net worth”. I always heard this statement but didn’t quite understand it. I really thought of it as a silly mantra. 
The power of masterminds is more tha…

There is a statement you may have heard before. It goes something like this… “Your network is your net worth”. I always heard this statement but didn’t quite understand it. I really thought of it as a silly mantra. 

The power of masterminds is more than you imagine. It’s important to disect what a group of dissimilar and similar people can do. The insights and shared knowledge is powerful for so many reasons. 

Your interactions are based upon:

  • Questions from others for introspection 
  • Ideas or concepts you would not have thought of 
  • Work flow or deal flow from introductions to others 
  • In a room / zoom / mastermind – you get to hear other perspectives from in and out of your industry, you get to travel and see other places
  • You get put on the hot seat and asked questions – if you use the mastermind the right way your boundaries are pushed

You only know so much and then you get in your own way. This is natural for everyone. The best in service and industries know they are limited in knowledge. 

When you have trouble or when you need to sell something there is a brain trust of others you can rely upon for unique twists and strategies that have worked. 

There is power in social influence, you will rise up / you will stay where you are. This happens because you have:

  • Introductions to others you may not have considered to meet beofre 
  • Introductions to opportunities where you would not have looked 
  • Other people can introduce you to their group, list, or even their business

How you can use this concept wrong

  • Guru worshiping
  • Going for the picture opportunity
  • Asking without giving / only searching for WIIFM
  • Not taking the network seriously

There is power in meeting others to combine knowledge and experience. Your network is your network has so many facets and applications.