If you watch enough sales presentations you will see patterns and trends. Most people are lazy in communication and hope their listener finds the answer. If you want to be the best in sales you must communicate better.
You can’t unring the bell on this conversation. Once you hear there are better ways to communicate you will want to take action.
“It’s not your fault but now that you know it’s your responsibility” – Jon Benson
There are multiple reasons why salespeople struggle with communication. This can happen because:
- You were not taught or shown how to be better when sharing ideas, concepts, strategies or outcomes.
- You are tired because of too many sales calls, not enough sleep you are overwhelmed by life.
- You are hungry and went into a sales call without being prepared.
- You are frustrated from not closing deals, not understanding your product or service, and because you are losing money from lost deals.
- You are excited about getting to the end of the deal, thinking about the commissions you will get paid, or thinking the buyer is a “lay down”.
You will find that it takes discipline to communicate effectively. One of the greatest role models I have is Jay Abraham. When he gives an idea he expands upon the content 4-5 words deep. I was able to interview him and he said the reason why he does this is to make sure that people hear what he says.
There are multiple ways for you to get better with your communication skills. There isn’t just one answer there becomes a combination of a few of these ideas listed next:
- You can use a thesaurus
- You can record your content and re watch it
- You can record your content and drop it into something like rev.com, otter.ai or firefly.ai
- You can sit down and think through how you interact and do better
- You can watch others and see how you could do it better
Questions and stories are 2 of the most powerful ways to communicate. Questions don’t have to be answered but they do need to be thought about. Stories can be used as a narrative to capture people and get them drawn in.
You can ask questions to confirm where you are:
- If I hear what you are saying
- What I hear is _________ can you confirm?
You could ask for a reframe:
- Ask me that another way
- When you say that could you share with me what you mean?
- Can you give me the gist of what I just shared
You can gamify the conversation
- Under the right circumstances, you could give a quick quiz with prizes, upgrades, or discounts
- You can let them know there will be a quiz and here are the answers.
When you take the time to learn how to communicate better and more effectively interact the deals you need to close become easier.