How to Scale Your Business with 8-figure Business Owner Tyler Robertson

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Welcome to another episode of the Think Business with Tyler podcast show.

Our guest today is Tyler Robertson.

Tyler is the CEO/Founder of Diesel Laptops, a company with a mission to provide the best diesel diagnostics products and services.

7 years ago, Tyler’s started his business from his garage and now, it’s over $50 million a year in revenue with 200 employees. What’s even more impressive about Tyler’s business is that he did it by bootstrapping and no investors. What an amazing accomplishment!

Tyler considers himself an accidental entrepreneur who had to learn his lessons the hard way and make some tough choices along the way. And, it was all worth it.

In this episode, we talk about:

●     How to work on your business and not in your business,

●     The importance of taking responsibility and leading by example as a business owner,

●     Why you always need to start with WHY and know your purpose,

●     And finally, how to overcome perfectionism as an entrepreneur

In this episode, Tyler openly shares his journey of growing and scaling a business. There are a lot of gold nuggets you can apply to your own business. Let’s start our chat…

Full Show Notes with Links


Host: Tyler Martin Business Coach





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