DIS: Choose Your Pain

Saru creates the perfect performance feedback model. Oh, and Harry Mudd!

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Saru creates the perfect performance feedback model. Oh, and Harry Mudd!

In this episode, Jeff Akin magnifies Saru’s performance as an acting captain in Season 1 Episode 5, “Star Trek: Discovery” Choose Your Pain. Due to the Klingons abducting Lorca, it is up to Saru to take over the captainship and lead the whole crew. As Saru takes on the role, he reviews the qualities set up by the computer to use as his leadership model. These qualities are bravery, self-sacrifice, intelligence, tactical brilliance, and compassion.

Jeff cites a powerful performance review model from J. Elise Keith’s “Where the Action Is.” We use the Action Review Tool after a task and begin with fact-checking followed by observations and learnings. It is then used to determine an immediate improvement plan plus the incredible insights for the after-action.  

About Starfleet Leadership Academy:   Star Trek is full of great examples of leadership. Jeff Akin, a leader with over 20 years of executive management experience in both the public and private sectors, breaks down each episode of Star Trek, from The Original Series to Discovery and beyond, pointing out examples of great leadership, management, lean/six-sigma, communication and more. If you enjoy Star Trek, or are even a little Trek-curious, and have an appetite for leadership development, this is the podcast for you! 

Outline of the episode: ●      [01:05] How Cornwell sees Burnham ●      [04:51] Saru cross-references his skills with Starfleet’s most decorated captains ●      [08:38] Stamet refocuses on a knock-out that’s on the verge ●      [13:08] Rating Lorca and Saru based on bravery, self-sacrifice, intelligence, tactical brilliance, and compassion ●      [17:05] Lorca and Tyler outsmart the Klingons; Saru displays bravery and compassion ●      [20:47] Saru pawns his poor performance onto Burnham ●      [22:57] Having self-awareness, Saru interjects the computer’s performance review of him ●      [27:28] How to learn from Saru’s Performance Review ●      [31:08] The Pareto Chart: In the assessment of skills and qualities of standouts ●      [33:28] The Action Review Tool Resources: Find Where the Action Is, Book by J. Elise Keith: https://www.jeffakin.com/p/reading-list/ Follow the fleet and connect through: Website:          https://jeffakin.com Twitter:            https://twitter.com/SFLApodcast Instagram:       https://www.instagram.com/jefftakin/ Facebook:       https://facebook.com/groups/sflapodcast/ YouTube:        https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCebdT7xtm2237q0f857BBuw

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