If you really want your organization to grow you will look to never hire a bad salesperson again.
There are multiple misconceptions about hiring salespeople. Most of the problems in sales is created how salespeople are found and hired.
Old school sales strategies are looked at as the way to close deals. Great salespeople are asked to be sales managers and that manager does not know what to look for.
Good salespeople are thought to be good at building rapport.
People pleasers are a problem in the world of sales causes
- No dealing with objections
- Price matching and discounting
- The fear of hurting feelings take over
This is a huge problem because the salesperson relies on price alone to close deals. Since the salesperson is a people pleaser they will go too far one way when working with a buyer.
Weak salespeople lower the price of a product being sold in a marketplace. When you follow the 80/20 rule in sales you will find that 80% of salespeople should not be in sales.
If you want to hire a good sales rep these are the traits top salespeople have:
- They are good looking
- They are funny
- They don’t always understand social situations
When you combine 2 of these traits you have the ability to have a closer on your hands. When someone has 3 of 3 of the traits most of time that person is a fantastic closer.
Managers typically look for the traits of a people pleaser since they may not be able to build rapport with a closer the same way.
You will find the reasons people pleasers get into sales is they are talked into it and they cant say no. It may also be a significant other wanted them to sell for the income.
The office staff tends to dislike salespeople because of the ability to sell the idea of doing things for them. Salespeople also have the better income and this makes the office staff mad as well. What will happen is a sales manager will look for the easy person to manage and skip over the closer so they can get the easy person to work with. Most companies do not know how to hire a good sales representative because they were not trained to do so.
In any sales or organization 1/10 salespeople will be a closer. The next 3 people should be in the office and the other 6 should be trained or let go. Weak salespeople are tougher to manage since they leave a wake of destruction behind them and they have lower margins over the long run. Good salespeople may be a challenging to work with but they bring in money or revenue.
People pleasers are nice but they are not closers.
Salespeople get frustrated with the churn in the world of sales.
Scott Sylvan Bell
#sales #success #closer #80/20sales
This episode was recorded on the North Shore of Oahu Hawai’i at Hale’iwa Ali’I beach park