HTSS100 – The traits of an exceptional person and why it matters – Scott Sylvan Bell

The traits of an exceptional person and why it matters in life and business 
What are the traits of a great person in your mind and how do you use this information? The traits of a good person allow you to decide who you will or will not enter into a rel…

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The traits of an exceptional person and why it matters in life and business 
What are the traits of a great person in your mind and how do you use this information? The traits of a good person allow you to decide who you will or will not enter into a rel…

The traits of an exceptional person and why it matters in life and business 

What are the traits of a great person in your mind and how do you use this information? The traits of a good person allow you to decide who you will or will not enter into a relationship with as well as who you trust.

When you look at what you deem as exceptional you can decide easier if you want to continue relationships or even take them further. Who is a major influence in your life and over your life is one question you could ask. Where have these influences made you a better person for the long run.

You may be fortunate that the person or the people who have influenced you to be family members, co workers, mentors, coaches, trainers or friends. Who is it in your life that you look towards and why?

12 traits of an exceptional person

Here are 12 traits of what could be considered and exceptional person. You may take this list and like it for what it is and how it is or you can modify it to fit your needs.

  1. Know how to be an example to others

Others are watching even if you don’t see them

Some people need a hero


  1. Be loyal or have loyalty to others around you

It can be easy to double cross people

The path may be hard


  1. Know how to have integrity

Do the right thing even when nobody is looking 

This can cost in the short term – win in the long term


  1. Encourage others to do better and be better

Some people are struggling and your words can help them

You may need them to do the same at some point


  1. Respect others and their beliefs

Not everyone as the same beliefs as I do so you may not really be able to judge them.


  1. Listen and be patient with others

Some people don’t get listened to this may be their moment to get the attention they desire  

Some stories take longer to tell than others so it will be important to be patient  


  1. Hold confidence in what people share with you

You only have your word at the end of the day

This becomes a trust equation for the long run and even allows for people to want to share more with you


  1. Stand up for your beliefs

It may not be popular and it can even lose relationships

It may even lose business and it may win business


  1. Work hard every day and be reliable

Show up when you said you would, how you said you would

Give the work the effort you need   


  1. Don’t complain

Nobody is listening to it anyway and it doesn’t help the problem


  1. Serve others

Be willing to give time, effort and money

If you get stuck serve others


  1. Laugh often

Fun moments in life make problems and events easier.

Funny movies are one way to get past tough times and even have a good laugh with a friend.

You can find ways to look at exceptional people as a way to decide who you should enter relationships with. You can also look to exceptional people are role models or the person that you want to be.


Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #podcast #Howtosellshow #Sacramento

This episode was recorded in Sacramento California