HTSS102 – 10 Important sales lessons I learned from sales ride alongs – Scott Sylvan Bell

10 Important sales lessons I have learned from sales ride alongs
Over the course of the last 12 years I have had the opportunity to ride along with salespeople. I will do a sales ride along to see what a salesperson is doing right and what they could i…

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10 Important sales lessons I have learned from sales ride alongs
Over the course of the last 12 years I have had the opportunity to ride along with salespeople. I will do a sales ride along to see what a salesperson is doing right and what they could i…

10 Important sales lessons I have learned from sales ride alongs


Over the course of the last 12 years I have had the opportunity to ride along with salespeople. I will do a sales ride along to see what a salesperson is doing right and what they could improve on. There are common threads and things salespeople do.

Plenty of closers have sales basics mastery down. Those who struggle have common mistakes they make that are easy to spot when you know what to look for.

The 10 lessons I have learned riding with salespeople:

  1. A turbulent personal life creates a turbulent sales life. You do take your struggles to work with you daily. If you have major changes or events happen you will lose attention to sales presentations.


  1. Plenty of salespeople have fears or apprehension before a call. Its not uncommon for salespeople to be scared to walk into a deal. Salespeople may not want to meet with a buyer out of fear of objections or rejection.



  1. Most salespeople will not roll play even if it can save their life. For some reason salespeople get caught up in what other salespeople will say, think or do. There is the fear of being judged and there is the fear of letting others see what is being done in a presentation.


  1. Most salespeople are lazy, they want the easy close. If there are 10 steps to a sales process most salespeople will choose 5 to work with. There is no consistent action when it comes to the conversations or the presentations.



  1. Salespeople spend too long building rapport and not getting to the point. In lieu of closing a sales it is common to drag the sales presentation out so that the rejection at the end never happens. Most salespeople have choppy presentations and there is not a feeling of a real conversation.


  1. Buyers get bored in sales presentations. Most salespeople say or do the same thing because they all took shortcuts. Its not a sales call it’s a performance is something tho think about.



  1. Most salespeople are not prepared for objections and rejection. Its important to know that there is a dance or moves that buyers make that are common. These patterns can be spotted and used to figure out the next step the buyer will make.
  2. Some salespeople will say or do whatever it takes to close a deal even if it is unethical. If you get caught up in the negativity of what other say and do your focus will be in the wrong spot. You do have to focus on what you do right and how you perform.


  1. Asking for the sale doesn’t happen most of the time. It is amazing how many sales calls end without the sale being asked for. You can close more deals simply by asking for them. Ask for sales more often and you can close more than you think. This does not mean to always be closing it means to give the next step and ask for the business.



  1. Sales follow up is non existent in almost all industries. The best salespeople know they need to follow up after a presentation. Its sad that most sales follow ups are one call and that’s it.

You can get better at sales when you know the common mistakes salespeople make. These go to moves are typical in almost every industry and or service.

Scott Sylvan Bell


#Sales #closer #Success #Podcast #Howtosellshow #Sacramento

This episode was recorded in Sacramento California