HTSS116 – The power of morning routines and goals – Scott Sylvan Bell

You can maintain a better day through a set routine. I thought morning routines were stupid, in fact, I made fun of them. When I look back the best I have ever done financially and physically have been times when I have had set routines.
I used to coach …

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You can maintain a better day through a set routine. I thought morning routines were stupid, in fact, I made fun of them. When I look back the best I have ever done financially and physically have been times when I have had set routines.
I used to coach …

You can maintain a better day through a set routine. I thought morning routines were stupid, in fact, I made fun of them. When I look back the best I have ever done financially and physically have been times when I have had set routines.

I used to coach a top salesperson and my sales soared as well. Even though we didnt even work in the same field my numbers increased.

 There are a few great books from Hal Elrod the morning miracle and Robin Sharma 5 am club. Alex Charfen has some great content as well.  

Here is why morning routines matter:

A daily set routine will set the tone and then program you for the day. You can use something like a recording, a book, a vision board, a whiteboard or anything similar to multiply your daily action.  

My personal daily routine

  • 5 am
  • 1 glass of water 16 oz
  • Goal recording – its 13 minutes read by the beach in Haleiwa Oahu / Waimea Bay
  • Meditation / breathing
  • Spiritual content
  • Gratitude – 3 things I am thankful for
  • Think through people I want to connect with
  • Set my intention for the day
  • Content creation – outline podcasts – work on training – create new videos
  • Make my bed

After 8 am:

  • Check my Slack (consulting clients)
  • I look at emails or messages from clients and family

After 10am 

  • I don’t look at Facebook / Instagram / Clubhouse
  • I glance at the news

The evening routine: 

If a morning routine works then the opposite is true as well there is a power in evening routines. I will not look at the news after 8 pm, I don’t want negativity floating around in my head while I sleep. How you set your intention before you go to bed is what you dream about in your sleep. 

You can do this by reverse engineer your morning to fit your evening and your own dreams.