You will face problems with skinny deals
Deals, where you are not making much money on the commission, is considered a skinny deal. When you meet with buyers that dont want to pay the money you are asking for it can chew through your time and allow you to not be interested.
Skinny deals in sales are common
It doesnt matter what industry you are in there is always a deal you don’t like to make. The skinny deal can come from lack of revenue, commission or the fact you are forced to be pulled away from other deals where you could be making money.
All industries have different types of buyers they work with. Everyone deals with cheap buyers or difficult buyers at some point. You do learn how to politely tell people “no” over time. You also find ways to hold your gross as well.
The keys to rejection in sales
Whenever you put time, energy, risk, effort or money on the line you have the elements for rejection. Skinny deals in sales typically have 3 or more of these elements.
When skinny deals go sideways
If you feel for the person you are meeting with and try to get them a great deal you can lose. Not everyone is gracious as to getting help. It may feel that the more you try to give aide the worse the deal gets.