There is always another deal in sales
Most salespeople live on scarcity to close the deal and for them if there is no scarcity there is no deal. The real question is could you sell and close a deal without scarcity? What if your company or service ended specials and discounts? Would you be able to close the deal?
You sell how you buy and you buy how you sell
Can you live with this in your own life – when you learn this lesson it increases your sales skills. It is possible for you to stop selling only on discounts and develop new abilities and skills. When you learn how to sell without only using the price this skill helps you in every other deal you could be in.
Every Day Pricing was a mistake
One promotion every salesperson should study is EveryDay Pricing from JC Penny. Your buyers may like deals. You do need to know that when you have a target market you will want to know how they buy and make their decisions. There are other things you can do in order to induce a purchase. Discounting isnt the only way to close deals and make a sale.
You will want to look at see how you make your own purchases. When you know what “sets you off” to make a purchase you can increase your skills. If you buy off deadlines, you will probably buy off deadlines. There are some people who will not make a purchase from deadlines and specials.
Increase your sales skills
Your buyer will need a few things to make a purchase: Pain, Problem, Risk or Pleasure. When you dig in and take a look at when your offer is roled out does it contain a message for pain, problem, risk or pleasure?
A poll was held on my social media about what drives people nuts about salespeople. Here are the common issues people had with sales:
- Bragging –
- Fear mongering
- FOMO (fear of missin out)
- Guilt
- Pressure
- Scarcity
- Shame
- Social proof
- Threats
What’s weird is these elements are all part of the sales process at some point but yet we all buy anyway.