Ep. 225 Dr. Donna Marks Explains How We Can Replace Fear With Love

Transform your fear and negative thoughts with awareness and love and create the life you want.

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Transform your fear and negative thoughts with awareness and love and create the life you want.

What Voice Are You Listening To?

Are listening to the fear or the voice of love?

One keeps us stuck in trauma, anxiety, upset and has us reaching for things that temporarily make us feel better like food, alcohol, drugs, technology. The other helps us acknowledge our pain, so we can resolve it and past traumas and live in a place of compassion, growth, and peace.

So what voice are you listening to? In this conversation addictions expert, psychotherapist, and author of The Healing Moment : 7 Paths to Turn Messes Into Miracles of Love, Dr. Donna Marks talks about the voices we all hear of fear and love and how we can choose which ones we listen to, transform our negative experiences, and live with greater self-love. When we do that, compassion, forgiveness, calm, and joy emerge and we take back control of our lives, instead of giving it up to negative thinking, actions, and addictions. Then, we begin creating the lives we want.

In this conversation on Polly Campbell Simply Said with Dr.Donna Marks you will hear:

  • How the voices of fear limit our growth and happiness.
  • How we can identify the things that dim our ability to love ourselves and others so we can learn to soothe ourselves?
  • How our relationships with others are a result of how we love ourselves and how we can replace our need for control–the voice of fear–for love.

For more about Dr. Donna Marks, her classes, sessions, and books including The Healing Moment, go to https://drdonnamarks.

For more ideas on how to live well, do good, and be happy join Polly Campbell and the Simply Said community at https://pollycampbell.substack.com

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