The myth of the zero curve of failure
It is possible to over prepare and get nothing done. You can only read so many books, attend so many courses and do so much coaching and not take action.
One of the reasons why salespeople fail is they try to over prepare for every single situation and not implement any training they have received.
“Done is better than perfect” – Maryellen Tribby is a quote that comes to mind. There is a time and place to look for perfection and it isn’t at the start of a program.
Theory VS action
You can only learn so much theory from books, courses or coaches and then you have to do something with it. At some point you have to put pen to paper, theory will only get you so far.
There is no perfect time for things to happen, the time never comes. You can hold 50, 60, 80 knowledge and even then perfect actions are not taken. Smart and talented people fail every single day.
Rejection in life is real… and… it stops most people
You will win and you will fail, the wins are fantastic.. the loses hurt but they prepare you for the next event. Rejection is real, it does hurt. What hurts even more is the regret from not doing anything. Doing nothing becomes a “I wish I would have” conversation.
Most people will never get past the fear of rejection, looking dumb, looking silly or ever be willing to fix problems.
Look for the line in the sand
To get some motivation look to the place where 80% of the people will quit and get to that point. Then look to the place where the next 5% of people quit and get past that. You keep moving the line to the next post or marker instead of trying to get down the field in one attempt. This allows you to have victories along the way.
The secret combination
The games you are made to play are like combination locks. You could be using the lock and putting in the code wrong. You should be sinning the dial right – left – right but you were not told that. The real combination is left – right – left.
One of the reasons you get a coach or a mentor is they can walk you through the problems. They can spit ball ideas with you or even give you the right direction.
Someone said “Its like bosses in a video game, when you have played enough games you know how to defeat the bosses” – Please help me find this attribution – attributed to a smart person
The instant expert is “real”
Everyone now is a search engine expert – they can look things up in a superficial level real quick. This means through a search engine they think they can get a lifetimes experience in a few minutes. In most instances this isn’t true for more professions.
You will have critics and they will hate you
When people destroy your ideas most of the time it is because their weaknesses are being magnified. They cant see themselves taking the action so they put their negativity on you. This protects them staying in the status quo. They don’t have to take action or step outside of their abilities.
Most people are ok with mediocrity, they have the C gets degrees mentality. They stop before they are ever able to achieve. You look at this critic and then take what they have to say as valid.
80/20 sales rules
In the world of sales 80% of salespeople are not good. This doesn’t include you. You are trying to get better through finding books, courses, podcasts and trainers. The thing to remember is you have to do something with this information.
You do need someone who pushes you to get better. You can have a coach, a mentor and accountability buddy. This person is who you talk to and let them know what you are doing.
Panic in the sales process
You will end up in over your head at some point, you need people to turn to and ask questions.
You have to take the lumps, you will fail, you will be criticized, people will try and pull you down. These issues are the toll to get to the next step.
Your network is your net worth
The people you choose to surround yourself with does matter. Some people will push you by presence and some people will push you by force. When you are pushed by presence, you look up to the people who want you to be better. When you are pushed by force it is usually through paying for coaching or penalties for not taking action.
Cheer others on around you so they can cheer you on when you need it!
Scott Sylvan Bell
#sales #Sacramento #Coaching #Mentoring #Closer #success #Podcast #Howtosellshow
This episode was recorded in Sacramento California
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