Red flags for salespeople when selling:
There are problems with buyers in sales. You will be able to see these problems before they happen when you live though enough deals. You may also learn what to look for in conjunction to your learning process.
If you want to learn how to be a closer in sales you will want to pay attention to the problems created from buyers.
The list of the red flags for salespeople:
The instant buy or being too excited about the sale may not really be the deal you think it is. When a buyer is overly excited there is sure to be a problem after the deal is done. Most of the time the buyer will come back and complain they were taken advantage of. There will be times there the buyer wants to unwind the deal or renegotiate the terms.
Your buyer may throw out I don’t want to waste your time when you first meet with them. You do need to ask some questions about what is going on and why they mentioned the time wasting. Every industry has their own version of this statement. In car sales the buyer may say who wants to sell something today? There are huge red flags with this buyer and there will be surprises after the deal is done.
Sometimes buyers will try to intimidate you with proposals and or bids everywhere, This is meant to force you into deep discounts and negotiation most of the time. This is a whacky sense of sales justice from the buyer. This type pf buyer can range from frugal to coo coo crazy. You can call this tactic out for what it is with the people you meet with.
The too good to be true offer with a twist happens when the magical unicorn buyer shows up and is overly eager to make a purchase from you. There is normally a story that comes along with the buy. This buyer typically has back end problems and comes back and makes demands that are not easy to deal with.
The mismatch in words and actions form some buyers will lead you to see the problems that are on the way. What is said is contradicted in either body language or in stories throughout the appointment or the call. Pinning this buyer down will not happen and most of the time there is some objection that mutates at he end of the call.
A weird form of red flags in sales come from the trash talker. This buyer may try to get you to agree to statements about the competition. One of the goals may be to get you to commit to not taking certain actions in the sales call.
Pay attention to the stories from buyers
If you meet with a buyer who has really good story telling skills you will want to pay attention when they match up outrageous stories. These stories are used to draw you in and feel guilty or build the buyer up. This is a version of a guilt trip as well as a sales process. You will find this buyer can be sneaky and has a motive you must pay attention to.
One buyer to pay attention to is the one where the story doesn’t add up. You will learn this over time and it isn’t always easy to spot early on. With this buyer their story never really meets up to what a typical purchase is like and asking questions never leads to real answers.
You will want to trust your internal gut when doing deals. Some people are just bad natured and are not going to do a good deal with you. Some people will trigger you internal warning system and when it happens trust you are right. Bounce out of the call and try to figure out why from a coach or mentor.
Red flags in sales are real for you
Some industries will tell their salespeople to take the role as a fake shopper. This is meant to figure out how you do what you do or to see your sales process. The answers and the interactions form this buyer are typically weird and do not make sense. The answers to questions are typically wrong.
A huge red flag for you is in the wording of a buyers. If you hear Lawsuit and problem, lawsuit and problem, lawsuit and problem multiple times you will have issues. At some point this buyer is going to hire a lawyer to deal with you.
There are people who have rich friends, a nice or dying family member that is willing to make a purchase for them. Sometimes this person materializes but most of the time you will chase this buyer till the end of time to make a sale. This buyer typically wants the highest end product you have to offer with all of the bells and whistles. Another version of this buyer is the one who is going to get a large inheritance or settlement. There are times where these purchases come to fruition and a deal is closed. You can work this deal and make it happen.
Scott Sylvan Bell
#sales #closer #success #Sacramento #podcast #howtosellshow
This episode was recorded in Sacramento California
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