HTSS50 – Closers addiction in sales and the problems it creates – Sean Davis PhD

Closers addiction can affect the way you sell
Closers addiction happens when salespeople close deals. There is a rush associated with being able to close and there are problems that come from it.
Why salespeople have a tough time performing over time is …

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Closers addiction can affect the way you sell
Closers addiction happens when salespeople close deals. There is a rush associated with being able to close and there are problems that come from it.
Why salespeople have a tough time performing over time is …

Closers addiction can affect the way you sell

Closers addiction happens when salespeople close deals. There is a rush associated with being able to close and there are problems that come from it.

Why salespeople have a tough time performing over time is they get caught up internally. A power complex can lead to problems in the home since the person is not used to the lack of power that they have at work.  There is power and somewhat of fame when it comes to be a closer in sales. When there are good deeds done like closing deals it can go to the heat of the person who gets the “power” or the praise.

Professionals that get praise can let it go to their heads can include but is not limited to:

  • Attorneys
  • Drs
  • Police officers
  • Salespeople
  • Surgeons

You can learn how to be happy and separate from the job. The disconnect from doing something different than the work can lead to more happiness. Be one person on the job and be another person at home. There are troubles in relationships brings a divide and this causes divorce when there is a power trip.

It is possible to find a shift and get over the issues that come with work. The shift happens when finding an:

  • Identity outside of the industry
  • Hobbies to work on
  • Friends and associations out of the industry

How closing deals and losing deals can hurt you

If you only identify as a salesperson or a closer your identity is too tied to the job. If you are not closing deals you can look for replacement of the dopamine through other activities.

  • Alcohol
  • Dangerous activities
  • Drugs
  • Relationships
  • Spending money

Salespeople use these items or actions to replace their self worth. The feeling of closing deals and adoration become a desire to be replaced.

Not closing deals can lead to:

  • Anger issues
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Substance abuse

These problems are all centered around the lack of self worth when deals are not being closed. The problem is multiplied when people with high incomes know they can talk themselves out of a situation or pay their way out. In essence the offender gets rewarded for bad behavior and the world needs to adjust to them.  As people are catered to this problem gets exagerated and can cause more problems.

The tough sales conversation

Some closers become jerks and they know the only thing they have is their job. They count this attention as their external source of self worth. All of their goodness comes from the ability to close deals. The deals lead to attention and when they don’t get the attention they need they throw a fit.  

You can create sales sabotage

When salespeople have significant gains and or losses in their life you can plot out the lost deals. External sources from others can cause this as well. Everyone hates me equals a sales dip for some salespeople.

There are times where salespeople will purposely shoot for losing deals to get the rush.  The story gets bigger when they get to the office and now they can have more attention.

Some salespeople get so addicted to the adrenaline of closing a sale they have to have the deal or replace the feeling. For some people they will outgrow the adrenaline and need more so deals need to get bigger and so does the attention.

The problem can be alleviated can be completed by:

  • spending time with people who need help – Be a mentor
  • Find value in things that are intrinsic
  • Do things outside of your industry

You can shift your focus to selling and truly helping others. Getting caught up in the money or the commissions can lead to problems.

The fear to go get professional help in sales

It is possible to have the stigma of getting help can be neat by knowing anonymity is required by licensed health professionals. You can convince yourself that it isn’t a weakness to get help. Another way to say this is getting a coach or a mentor.

Momentum can be easier with help than without. If you are scared to make the call or send the email then look at the work as an investment in yourself.

It is normal to be nervous to meet with a professional and spill your life and or problems. You do have to build some rapport with the professional. Even therapists need to sell their services as well.

The pilot metaphor that can help you out

If you get stuck or have problems it may be best for you to slow down. Most professionals try to speed up to get out of the problem and it causes more issues.

When pilots go through a storm they slow the airplane down.

You can try to solve problems that don’t even exist if you are going too fast. Stop and look at what problem you are really trying to solve.


The question you can ask yourself is:

If you cant get to a professional for whatever reason you could ask yourself this question:

If I was not worried about this problem, what would I be worried about?

The last thing said through this process is where the problem lies.

Then you ask yourself this question again and work yourself back to the answers. This does take work and effort.  


Pick some close trusted friends to help

One of the ways to alleviate your problems is to talk out what is going on. You can talk to good friends, family members or clergy to get problems off your chest. The people you know have probably gone through the same thing or something similar.  “There is nothing more torturous than going through something alone”.  

Special thanks to Sean Davis for appearing on this episode:

You can find Sean Davis PhD at

Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #closer #success #closersaddiction #podcast #Sacramento #howtosellshow

This episode was recorded in Roseville California

Last notes:

This episode is not meant to be medical advice for problems you face. If you are struggling go seek proper medical attention from a qualified professional.

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