HTSS53 – Neediness in sales will destroy deals – Scott Sylvan Bell

Neediness in sales will lose you deals
If you are needy with buyers you will find yourself giving discounts and or price matching to close the sale. If you are significantly needy you will find you shorten your sales presentation. Its not uncommon to see…

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Neediness in sales will lose you deals
If you are needy with buyers you will find yourself giving discounts and or price matching to close the sale. If you are significantly needy you will find you shorten your sales presentation. Its not uncommon to see…

Neediness in sales will lose you deals

If you are needy with buyers you will find yourself giving discounts and or price matching to close the sale. If you are significantly needy you will find you shorten your sales presentation. Its not uncommon to see needy salespeople get taken advantage of in the sales process.

Its not just the problems created in the sales presentation it is also the problems created after the purchase is made. When you are needy in sales and the buyer makes a purchase too quickly they tend to want to renegotiate after the deal has been done. The buyer may think out of your neediness they could have got a better deal so they have regret. This buyers remorse is dangerous.

The buyers expectations are not set correctly since there is such a hurry to get the deal done. The buyer doesn’t really know what they are getting or you may overpromise to close the sales.The discounts or refunds after the sale are usually steep and now you have a forever difficult buyer on your hands.

How salespeople are needy in sales presentations  

If you are starting off the conversation with discounts and price matching this is pure lazy salesmanship. It is your job to explain why you are different to your buyer. There are very few companies out there that are the low price leader. If you make the promise of being the lowest price then you challenge the buyer to prove you wrong.

Too much talking will lose deals

Salespeople who over talk their buyer will lose deals out of frustration. Too much talking causes not recognizing the statement or the question. You can think that you are the entertainment to the point where the buyer doesn’t have the chance to talk. If this is you their eyes will glaze over and you will get the I want to think about it objection.

Not listening to the buyer or over talking people or having to hold the spotlight is one of the fastest ways deals next to already having a pre planned item to sell because it pays the most commissions.

You need an agenda in sales presentations

Not getting to the point with your buyer is a form of neediness in your sales process.  No agenda in sales makes your buyer question if you are a pro or a joe. If you have nothing but time to waste in the mind of the buyer you are probably not busy so you can be taken advantage of.

Old school sales training creates needy salespeople

If you buy into the old school sales strategy of ABC – Always be closing you will be seen as a needy salesperson. This is similar to a your guy in a relationship constantly chasing his first girlfriend and asking are you ok? At some point the girl gets fed up and finds a confident guy. If you buy into always be closing you can be seen as someone who does not have confidence in their sales process. The constant concern about closing the deal can make you look weak and like you don’t have control of your sales process.

You need to know when to walk away from a deal

If you are afraid to walk away from deals you will be taken advantage of.  Not everyone is your client and not everyone deserves to do business with you. Buyers will abuse you when you are needy, you need to learn how to be elegant when rejecting a buyer. Just know when you reject someone before they reject you they get angry.

The repeater game for salespeople

Constantly answering questions with questions is not just annoying it is childish. You will ant to remember that sales is conversational. When you answer question with questions this does not feel right and does not feel conversational. Almost all politicians do this and reframe the conversation.

  • You are really saying this
  • Its not this its that

Begging for a sale is never elegant  

Begging for the sale is the worst of being needy. There is no worse way to close a sale then to beg for it. When you emotionally manipulate people they hold it against you for the long run and they don’t forget. You will get taken advantage of since money is emotional.  Some people will take pity on you while they others will abuse you. If you beg for a sales this buyer will more than likely be difficult for the length of time you work with them.

Discounting and price matching isn’t selling

Massive discounts that are over the top may be a quick way to get attention but in the long run this does not get the traction you think that it would. You will look desperate to a buyer if you discount too hard with buyers. Too big of a discount signals something is wrong. This is a huge red flag in the sales process. Being able to discount is a dance more than a sprint.  

Not all follow up is good follow up  

Too much follow up and follow up done wrong is beyond needy. If you call 5 times a day plus text messages you will have problems. Follow up is good when you build a strategy. Follow up is bad when you are desperate.

The best way to not be needy in follow up is to have a string game plan.

Salespeople can be needy in the office

Neediness in the office happens with complaining about normal circumstances. You can go over the top and try to get everyone to do your work for you as well. You can make people not like you by trying to push your work off on them.

Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #closer #success #Sacramento #Podcast #Howtosellshow

This episode was recorded in Sacramento California

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