HTSS73 – 12 Easy word tracks for new and struggling salespeople – Scott Sylvan Bell

The 12 word tracks for new and struggling salespeople
Every single salesperson struggles at some point. There are times where you can pinpoint the problem and times you cant. You do need to find a coach or mentor who can help you when sales are not happe…

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The 12 word tracks for new and struggling salespeople
Every single salesperson struggles at some point. There are times where you can pinpoint the problem and times you cant. You do need to find a coach or mentor who can help you when sales are not happe…

The 12 word tracks for new and struggling salespeople

Every single salesperson struggles at some point. There are times where you can pinpoint the problem and times you cant. You do need to find a coach or mentor who can help you when sales are not happening.

Most salespeople struggle when they down know what to say or do. The problem some of the time is not technical proficiency of the product or service. The problem is in knowing what could be said to get the buyer back into the conversation. Most salespeople will talk about money and price matching.  

How word tracks can help you out

A word track is a phrase or series of phrases meant to help with momentum in the sales process. The typical salesperson has 2 -3 word track memorized and it isn’t enough when it comes down to it.

The problem becomes a closing issue for salespeople. The average closing time from rolling price is 1/10 of the presentation time. On a one hour presentation this means you need at least 6 minutes of your own content to fall back on. Sadly, most salespeople have about 30 seconds and that is it. You need content and an eagerness to close the sale but you also need patience as well.

Your buyer will complain about pressure

Buyers struggle in the purchasing process because they don’t like being called out on their problems or issues. Sales is about problem solving and most buyers can feel the pressure of the close coming because of how salespeople talk to them. Salespeople struggle with applying any pressure because they are not taught how to or to calibrate how much they are using.

You will need to be calm but also give push back with closing the sale. You may need to ask questions that are pre planned. You will find that questions are also a series of word tracks. The more content you build up over time the better your closing will be.

Being emotionally neutral in sales

You have to care but not care that much and this is a conundrum. You have time, energy, effort, commissions and bragging rights on the line.  Over time you learn how to become emotionally unattached to the outcome on the outside. You find ways to keep the feelings about the deal bottled up. Most salespeople panic when they hit free fall in sales.  

You have to learn how to be patient when you have a loss of control you panic. Having a pre planned word track can give you the time to slow down and think. You may also have confidence built by knowing what to say or what to do.

Pay attention to the little things

The pitch and tone you use matters and you have to be genuine with you potential client. When you get tired and or hungry you will let go of voice control with your buyers. When possible and where legal you should record your sales presentation. Check your local rules and laws for using a recording of someone’s voice. Go back and listen to the points where you lose vocal control and see what you can do to not make the same mistake again.

How to use word tracks

There are 12 word tracks here for you to learn and use. These tracks are not going to magically make deals happen. You still need to put in the work or the effort to learn how to sell. What you will find is you can have new ideas or content to use with your client.

You will need to practice these phrases and how you will use them in your sales presentation. You can combine a few of these word tracks for one giant version. There is a danger of wanting to be fancy and going too far. Start with learning 2-3 of these and in the beginning it may not make sense to combine more than 2. Over time you will learn how to calibrate and what you can do.  

You will need to role play and practice with these, you can use 3×5 cards index cards with the word track written on it. When you roll play an objection you pull out the word track card and see what you can use for the conversation.

You will want to pay attention and make sure the interactions are conversational. You do have to be real and genuine in order to make your role play and eventual sales process work.

The 12 word tracks for you

  1. My biggest concern
  2. Why don’t we do this / how about we do this
  3. Either way you are going to pay
  4. When has procrastinating ever made anything better? Lets get you started
  5. I have an idea as to what can help you _________ Idea
  6. What is your better solution at this point? If it is _________ , _________ or _________ you are in a world of hurt… I can help you out. All we have to do is __________
  7. You are giving up a lot to only get a little and that isn’t going to be good in the long run
  8. I don’t know if that is the best solution for you… I do know what is and here it is
  9. If you do go that route you will se the slow motion version of a train wreck before your eyes
  10. You could but why would you want to when you could …
  11. Things don’t get better from here they get worse
  12. That’s perfectly fine and normal

Deploy you assets in sales  

When you use a word tack in sales presentations or overcoming objections you really do need to pay attention to your pitch, tone an timing. Most salespeople are too excited and push hard for the sale. The complaint is nothing works and the truth is the training was not executed properly in the field. Give yourself some time to make these phrases work for you. One last note to pay attention to is that when you do get traction for ising a word track you cant get overly excited as your buyer will see it.

Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #closer #success #podcast #Howtosellshow #Sacramento

This episode was recorded in Sacramento California

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