HTSS105 – Close a sale you would have lost – Scott Sylvan Bell

Close a sale you would have lost 
You have to take stock of your knowledge and what you do know and what you don’t know. This has to be a real conversation that you have to have with yourself or with others. When you think through your sales process what…

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Close a sale you would have lost 
You have to take stock of your knowledge and what you do know and what you don’t know. This has to be a real conversation that you have to have with yourself or with others. When you think through your sales process what…

Close a sale you would have lost 

You have to take stock of your knowledge and what you do know and what you don’t know. This has to be a real conversation that you have to have with yourself or with others. When you think through your sales process what do you do right, what you do wring and where you are going it will allow you to leap past others.

Your sales presentation matters

You want to ask yourself how many objections deep can you go? The average is 3 for ok salespeople the good salespeople will find about 7. The most exceptional can do 10 objections deep or more.  

You will need to learn how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. You may have to find a coach, trainer or mentor that isn’t scared to hurt your feelings. Think of it this way be upset in the office and then make money in the field.  At the end of the day you must be willing to take some heat  and it may get uncomfortable.  

People buy even when they are angry, its an emotion. When you get caught up in reasons why you cant find sales you will find all of them.  

Things you must get used to

In sales you must get used to pressure. Most salespeople don’t understand that some sort of pressure is necessary. Pressure freaks salespeople out because they don’t know how to respond to the objections.

It is important to have and develop a sense of calm. There is also a power in certainty. Panic hurts and so does stress. These are two items in the sales world when it comes to presentation that you do have to know about:

  • The body language you use has to be fluid and show a sense of calm
  • The timing of your conversation throughout the presentation as well as at tense moments

Things you can do to be better at sales

You have to push yourself to get outside of your comfort zone. What you think your buyer will do to react or respond probably is the truth.  Some of these ideas will seem like old school sales because they are built on them.

The first thing you can do is to Ignore the first objection. This means you have to just go over the conversation and pretend like it never happened.   

Another way to get past an objection with a buyer is to tell them what you believe and why you want the business then ask for it/

You must ask for the sale and be willing to do so or others will.  

Questions to help close deals you would have lost

There are standard lists of questions that would seem to be standard or basic. Most of these questions are not even asked. As salespeople get push back they run and hide. Who, what, when, where, why and how questions are the basic and standard ones.

You should make a list of all of the questions you know that could be used in a presentation.

  • Use the right question and focus on what and how – why can get you in trouble when not done tight
  • Ask …If __________ happens then what?

Start looking for questions to ask that you could use in your sales presentation. One of the places you can look is drama movies at the height of problems. Takes these questions and  use as a swipe file. This means you take a statement and modify to fit your needs.  


Stories are one of the most effective ways to having conversations with buyers. They slow down thoughts and cause better interaction when the think through the conversation you can use.  Here are the 2 moves that you can use.

  • Explain how someone had the same problem and it caused them more problems
  • Explain a success story

Closes and word tracks to use

Word tracks are the statements you use in a script. These word tracks can be developed and modified to fit your needs. The key here is that you have to use them. You have to step outside of your comfort zone and get past the point of fear. Here are some of the word tracks or closes that you can use:

  1. My biggest concern
  2. Why don’t we do this / how about we do this
  3. Either way you are going to pay
  4. When has procrastinating ever made anything better? Lets get you started
  5. I have an idea as to what can help you _________ Idea
  6. What is your better solution at this point? If it is _________ , _________ or _________ you are in a world of hurt… I can help you out. All we have to do is __________
  7. You are giving up a lot to only get a little and that isn’t going to be good in the long run
  8. I don’t know if that is the best solution for you… I do know what is and here it is
  9. If you do go that route you will se the slow motion version of a train wreck before your eyes
  10. You could but why would you want to when you could …
  11. Things don’t get better from here they get worse
  12. That’s perfectly fine and normal

You better have a few of these word tracks memorized and ready to use. The key is that you have to role play to get used to saying what needs to be said.


The fortune is in the follow up

Know that your follow up skills must be on point if you really want true momentum. You have to increase your follow up skills if you want to close a deal you would not have. Look at the list of episodes already up.  Episode 35 of the How to sell show is all based upon using a good follow up sequence.  

Asking the tough question can show you where the real problems are. You can ask “beside the money why did you not move forward with me”? This question could show you where the holes are in your process.

Drop by and see the person or buyer if possible. Once again step outside of your comfort zone. If you cant get to the person send a gift. Something in the mail is better than nothing at all.  

Be willing to work though the fears and struggles you face to get to the next step.

Scott Sylvan Bell


#sales #closer #success #Podcast #Howtosellshow #Sacramento

This episode was recorded in Sacramento California

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