5 Benefits of Developing Your Sales Resiliency

Why do salespeople need to develop their resiliency? Why resilience is a critical sales skill that every salesperson needs to develop in order to thrive in sales?

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Why do salespeople need to develop their resiliency? Why resilience is a critical sales skill that every salesperson needs to develop in order to thrive in sales?

Resilience is a critical sales skill that everyone needs to develop in order to thrive in sales and in life. Resilience describes one’s ability to recover from sales challenges. Someone who is resilient does not let difficulties defeat them but rather pushes through hardships until they overcome them, no matter how hard and no matter how long. Resilience is an absolute necessity because adversity in sales is completely unavoidable in your sales career. Thus, the earlier one is taught sales resilience the better they will be in sales. 

Coping Skills 

One benefit of resilience in sales is that it teaches salespeople how to develop critical coping skills. In order to be able to bounce back from a challenge, you must learn how to navigate through that challenge. That means choosing to face the crisis head-on rather than avoiding it. In doing so, you learn how to assess a situation and respond to it properly based on the specific circumstances of that sales situation. You can choose a strategy that will magnify the chances of a successful outcome and a more measured emotional response.


When we face adversity in sales, we often want the challenge to be over quickly, but that is very rarely the case. As we adapt to the situation we learn how to wait and become patient. We learn that things often don’t change instantaneously and how to manage our emotions in the process. Thus, we are less likely to have angry, sad, or other negative emotional responses as a result of our inability to wait for our situation to improve. Instead, we learn to grow comfortable in the waiting with the ultimate knowledge that our circumstances will in fact change in the end.


A part of learning how to adapt to situations involves learning about ourselves too. As we review the specific challenge, we are facing we also take time to examine how we may be contributing to the issue and how our actions or attitudes can be altered in order to overcome the situation. 

This awareness about our behaviors, thoughts, attitudes, and feelings helps us to learn about ourselves and make thoughtful decisions that can be applied to the scenario we are facing. It is self-discovery that leads to enhanced clarity which leads to an ability to challenge old beliefs, assess false assumptions, and remove barriers to our success. 

Support Systems

Another way resilience offers a benefit is by helping salespeople develop support systems in their lives. As people face hardships and take steps to try to overcome those challenges, they often realize they need assistance. This leads people to reach out to family, friends, colleagues, therapists, or other individuals who can provide the physical, mental, or emotional resources needed to help them successfully navigate the situation. 


Pressing through hardships and overcoming challenges gives us greater belief in ourselves and our abilities. We see ourselves as more competent and more capable because we’ve seen ourselves successfully navigate difficulties in the past. This confidence then puts us in a better position to approach future challenges with a more optimistic outlook, because we have a more firm belief in our abilities and our skills. 

Sales resiliency better equips us to not only face future challenges but to develop crucial life skills that will help us be more effective and efficient in sales. As we grow in our resilience, we improve our coping skills, patience, awareness, support systems, and confidence in a way that benefits us and those around us. We then become more of an asset and better equipped to navigate any sales adversity we face.